Naturally interact with your APIs using Local LLM.
3 min readSep 10, 2023
LLM: Interacting with APIs. High level solution diagram
Tools and frameworks required to achieve the goal
- LangChain Library — APIChain
- OpenAPI Docs — textual documentation
- Locally running LLM
- Streamlit — Web application
Sample code
from langchain.chains import APIChain
from langchain.llms import GPT4All
from langchain.callbacks.streaming_stdout import StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler
import streamlit as st
from langchain.callbacks.base import BaseCallbackHandler
API_DOCS = """API documentation:
GET /search/movie
This API is for searching movies.
Query parameters table:
language | string | Pass a ISO 639-1 value to display translated data for the fields that support it. minLength: 2, pattern: ([a-z]{2})-([A-Z]{2}), default: en-US | optional
query | string | Pass a text query to search. This value should be URI encoded. minLength: 1 | required
page | integer | Specify which page to query. minimum: 1, maximum: 1000, default: 1 | optional
include_adult | boolean | Choose whether to include adult (pornography) content in the results. default | optional
region | string | Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}$ | optional
year | integer | optional
primary_release_year | integer | optional
Response schema (JSON object):
page | integer | optional
total_results | integer | optional
total_pages | integer | optional
results | array[object] (Movie List Result Object)
Each object in the "results" key has the following schema:
poster_path | string or null | optional
adult | boolean | optional
overview | string | optional
release_date | string | optional
genre_ids | array[integer] | optional
id | integer | optional
original_title | string | optional
original_language | string | optional
title | string | optional
backdrop_path | string or null | optional
popularity | number | optional
vote_count | integer | optional
video | boolean | optional
vote_average | number | optional"""
def settings():
callbacks = [StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler()]
# LLM (Place your model into models directory).
llm = GPT4All(model="models/WizardLM-7B-uncensored.ggmlv3.q8_0.bin", max_tokens=800, backend='gptj' ,callbacks=callbacks,verbose=false)
access_token = "YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN" #Retrieve the access token for your APIs dynamically.
headers = {"Authorization" : f"Bearer {access_token}" }
#Create an APIChain to interpret the input prompt using API DOCS and LLM.
chain = APIChain.from_llm_and_api_docs(llm, API_DOCS, headers=headers, verbose=True)
return chain
class StreamHandler(BaseCallbackHandler):
def __init__(self, container, initial_text=""):
self.container = container
self.text = initial_text
def on_llm_new_token(self, token: str, **kwargs) -> None:
self.text += token
class PrintRetrievalHandler(BaseCallbackHandler):
def __init__(self, container):
self.container = container.expander("Context Retrieval")
def on_retriever_start(self, query: str, **kwargs):
self.container.write(f"**Question:** {query}")
def on_retriever_end(self, documents, **kwargs):
# self.container.write(documents)
for idx, doc in enumerate(documents):
source = doc.metadata["source"]
self.container.write(f"**Results from {source}**")
st.header("`Interacting with APIs`")
# Make APIChain
if 'chain' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['chain'] = settings()
chain = st.session_state.chain
# User input
question = st.text_input("`Ask a question:`")
if question:
# Generate answer (Make an API call with input from prompt used to
# create request payload or request params or query params or
# path params
qa_chain =
# Write answer and sources
retrieval_streamer_cb = PrintRetrievalHandler(st.container())
answer = st.empty()'`Answer:`\n\n' + qa_chain)
Another reference example for an API docs using path params
PATH_PARAM_API_DOCS = """API documentation:
GET /movie/{movie_id}
Get the top level movie details of a movie by ID.
Path parameters table:
Parameter Format Required Default Description
movie_id integer Yes Movie ID
Response schema (JSON object):
poster_path | string or null | optional
adult | boolean | optional
overview | string | optional
release_date | string | optional
genre_ids | array[integer] | optional
id | integer | optional
original_title | string | optional
original_language | string | optional
title | string | optional
backdrop_path | string or null | optional
popularity | number | optional
vote_count | integer | optional
video | boolean | optional
vote_average | number | optional"""
I was looking for a program or library that could convert the json or yaml format of the Open API specification into markdown-style text documentation. but haven’t yet found success.
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